Strawberry tree honey beldi, known as \"Arbutus unedo\" (or Qatlab in Arabic and Sasnou in Amazigh), locally referred to as \"Merouna\" due to its bitter taste, is produced from the nectar of the strawberry tree's flowers, called \"Boukhanou\" locally. What is strange is that its flavor is sweet.
In the past, this honey was not consumed widely due to its pronounced bitterness. It was considered a food reserve for bee colonies during winter when pastures are scarce.
Generally, like other types of forest honey, it has a dark brown color, and when it crystallizes quickly, its color becomes lighter.
The health benefits of this honey are significant. It contains remarkable antioxidants, even more than other types of honey. It is also known to be a natural antibacterial agent, boost the immune system, have anti-inflammatory properties, and provide significant soothing effects. In addition to all these benefits, this honey is very rich in vitamins and minerals.<\/div>","deleted":0,"featureImageAssetRef":4021313,"updated":{"date":"2024-06-08 11:56:54.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"ref":27840,"stockTrack":0,"stockUnlimited":0,"stockWarningLevel":6,"visibility":1,"showWeight":0,"slug":"miel-darbousier-beldia-\u0639\u0633\u0644-\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0637\u0631\u0648\u0646-\u0628\u0644\u062f\u064a\u0629","primaryVariantRef":150141,"multipleActiveVariantsWithUniquePrices":true,"productListAssetRef":4021313,"taxRef":null,"taxRate":null,"variants":[{"price":"750.00","productRef":27840,"ref":150141,"active":true,"stock":3,"sku":"6865-27840-150141","weight":"1.500","formattedWeight":"1.50","options":[],"formattedPrice":"MAD\u00a0750.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0},{"price":"750.00","productRef":27840,"ref":161848,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"6865-27840-161848","weight":"1.500","formattedWeight":"1.50","options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","value":{"ref":25529,"value":"1 L","displayOrder":2}}],"formattedPrice":"MAD\u00a0750.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0},{"price":"400.00","productRef":27840,"ref":161850,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"6865-27840-161849","weight":"0.750","formattedWeight":"0.75","options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","value":{"ref":25530,"value":"500 ml","displayOrder":3}}],"formattedPrice":"MAD\u00a0400.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}],"activeVariants":{"150141":{"price":"750.00","productRef":27840,"ref":150141,"active":true,"stock":3,"sku":"6865-27840-150141","weight":"1.500","formattedWeight":"1.50","options":[]},"161848":{"price":"750.00","productRef":27840,"ref":161848,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"6865-27840-161848","weight":"1.500","formattedWeight":"1.50","options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","value":{"ref":25529,"value":"1 L","displayOrder":2}}]},"161850":{"price":"400.00","productRef":27840,"ref":161850,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"6865-27840-161849","weight":"0.750","formattedWeight":"0.75","options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","value":{"ref":25530,"value":"500 ml","displayOrder":3}}]}},"tags":[],"assets":[{"ref":39804,"assetRef":4007063},{"ref":40811,"assetRef":4021313}],"category":{"name":"Miel \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0633\u0644","slug":"miel-\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0633\u0644","ref":2523},"tax":null,"formattedPrice":"MAD\u00a0400.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"multiplePrices":true,"options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","values":{"25529":{"ref":25529,"value":"1 L","displayOrder":2},"25530":{"ref":25530,"value":"500 ml","displayOrder":3}},"selectedValue":25529}],"defaultVariant":{"price":"750.00","productRef":27840,"ref":161848,"active":true,"stock":0,"sku":"6865-27840-161848","weight":"1.500","formattedWeight":"1.50","options":[{"ref":5503,"name":"Volume","value":{"ref":25529,"value":"1 L","displayOrder":2}}],"formattedPrice":"MAD\u00a0750.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}}
Miel d'arbousier beldia “Arbutus unedo” (ou Qatlab en arabe et Sasnou en amazigh), localement appelé miel "Merouna" en raison de son goût amer. Il est produit à partir du nectar des fleurs de l'arbousier, appelé localement "Boukhanou". Ce qui est étrange, c'est que sa saveur est sucrée.
Autrefois, ce miel n'était pas consommé en raison de son goût amer prononcé. Il est considéré comme une réserve alimentaire pour les colonies d'abeilles pendant l'hiver, lorsque les pâturages se font rares.
En général, comme les autres types de miel de forêt, ce miel a une couleur brun foncé et lorsqu'il cristallise rapidement, sa couleur devient plus claire.
Les avantages pour la santé de ce miel sont très importants : il contient des antioxydants remarquables, bien plus que les autres types de miel. Il est également connu pour être un agent antibactérien naturel, renforcer le système immunitaire, avoir des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et des effets apaisants importants. En plus de tous ces avantages, ce miel est très riche en vitamines et minéraux.
عسل المطرون بلدية (القطلب)، ساسنو بالأمازيغية، محليا يسمى عسل "مرونة" نظرا لمذاقه المر.
ينتج من رحيق أزهار شجر المطرون الذي يسمى محليا ببوخانو. والغريب في الأمر هو أن تماره حلوة المذاق.
من قبل، لم يكن يستهلك هذا العسل لمذاقه المر القوي. ويعد بمثابة خزان غذائي للممالك النحل خلال فصل الشتاء، حيث يقل المرعى.
عموما، كباقي أنواع عسل الغابات الأخرى، هذا النوع لديه لون بني داكن وعند تبلوره، الذي يتم بشكل سريع، يصبح لونه فاتح.
من الفوائد الصحية الجد مهمة لعسل المطرون: إحتوائه بشكل بارز على مضادات الأكسدة، قل نظيرها بباقي أنواع العسل الأخرى. تميزه بكونه مضاد طبيعي للجراثيم. يعزز جهاز المناعة. كما يعد مضاد للالتهابات وأثاره المهدئة الهائلة. بالإظافة إلى كل هذه المنافع، فهذا العسل جد غني بالڤيثامينات والمعادن.
Strawberry tree honey beldi, known as "Arbutus unedo" (or Qatlab in Arabic and Sasnou in Amazigh), locally referred to as "Merouna" due to its bitter taste, is produced from the nectar of the strawberry tree's flowers, called "Boukhanou" locally. What is strange is that its flavor is sweet.
In the past, this honey was not consumed widely due to its pronounced bitterness. It was considered a food reserve for bee colonies during winter when pastures are scarce.
Generally, like other types of forest honey, it has a dark brown color, and when it crystallizes quickly, its color becomes lighter.
The health benefits of this honey are significant. It contains remarkable antioxidants, even more than other types of honey. It is also known to be a natural antibacterial agent, boost the immune system, have anti-inflammatory properties, and provide significant soothing effects. In addition to all these benefits, this honey is very rich in vitamins and minerals.